Monday, December 24, 2012

When we are weak, HE is strong!

When I heard about the news of that the end of world is near, I laughed, but little did I know, what the next few weeks would hold.

We received two WorldRace Teams. What an adventure that in itself that brings!! And that is where the story begins.

Once upon a time, in a very hot and humid and wet, rainy season, twelve young adventures stepped their tired feet off the cramped and clammy bus into the busy dusty street market. After a very long extended travel experience. Tanzania to Mozambique. There tickets boldly printing four days, but after rough and long border crossings and numerous police stops, they arrived hot and tired after seven long days. The next few days were spent resting and recharging their batteries in the picturesque and lush green city of Chibuto. The tiny city was busting, as during wet season the vegetation is plentiful and beautiful. The flats lands are covered in bright greens and pokka-dot with a splash of colour from the fruit trees, pineapple, mango, cashunut, papaya etc.
Both the teams were eager and their servants hearts were so gentle and kind. They ministered with grace and the LOVE of only a saviour can give. They endured heat, large spiders, days without water, no electricity, scorpion bite, killed a snake, over sized cockroaches, allergic reaction, bats, just plain iky and yucky bugs. Lower they went, their hearts towards their King and their hands towards the needy and broken.
Just before the celebration of Christmas, they packed up and headed south to Maputo. To the land of lights and running water.
Again these two teams pulled together and ministered with such love and grace on the outreaches and ministry visits but little did we know what was going to hit.
One by one, as if we were dominos, it hit. A fever, a sore and achy body and wanting to be all curled up in bed : m a l a r i a. First, was one of the team members from the worldrace, then I (anna) and then bang, the gate fell down and poor Issachar was rushed to the hospital with a cut to his head. The next day, Jiameto was ill, as was Felito and Paulina and the next day Candio took ill. But its the next day that will forever be in my memory. My little prince was sick. It was not what either of us wanted to hear. My heart sank and I felt guilty, as two weeks ago he had been sick as well and now he had malaria too. We explained to the kind and compassionate doctor and she shook her head in disbelief, with so many in one house with malaria.
We are not denying its not been hard, its been super rough. We have cried ourselves to sleep and spent many moments in prayer and others lacking in sleep while serving the sick.
BUT the adventure hasn't ended. We still have five more days with our teams and we are exhausted, excited and eggar to see out God move!

Tomorrow is CHRISTmas and we will not let the last week change the fact that our saviour is alive and loves us!
The enemy may have a plan for us, BUT my GOD is bigger and he is STRONGER and His LOVE is enough!! His plan is my future! He died so that we may have LIFE and have life ABUNDANTLY.

Merry Christmas!

We ask that you keep as very close in your prayers!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

November Update - long over due

Hi ya'll

Its a shiner of day! Things have been muddling along.

Paulina has been officially on school holidays now for almost three weeks and she also just passed her school exams, so she has enough credit to go into the next grade. We were all filled with relief and happiness at her passing. She was so excited as it meant a reward. A trip into town to eat grilled chicken!!
We have had a visit from Social Services which went well. We haven't had official notice, but we got the paperwork required for Paulina to apply for ID and passport. Her ID is in process and due the second week of December, and then for the passport which means a WHOLE family trip to SA hopefully in January!! The excitement is building while we are planning this special and momentous trip.

In less than a week we have two teams from WorldRace come to stay with us for the month of December, which means an extremely full house and busyness and fun!

Felito has come back from Outreach at Mazivilla which went amazingly well. Lots of people healed and walking closer to King Jesus. (photos to come)

On negative side, Jiametos son, David has been admitted to hospital. He has some sort of infection with his fever spiking every couple of hours and with vomiting and diareeah. He had a blood transfusion after his blood tests came back as he was anemic. His fever hasn't spiked as high since blood transfusion. Have done loads of tests, and are awaiting results. Please keep him and his family in prayer. Jiametos wife also has malaria.

Was so sad going into children's ward, wish I could do more. We leave feeling so drained and almost frustrated at the standards and lack of care and compassion.
In the same ward as baby David we Saw two cases of infected scabies and childhood leprosy and also a little girl with a massive swollen tummy, its not worms, so she has had a test to see if its a tumor. Poor thing is in pain and cant hardly stand as it unbalances her. They are from Inhabane, which is about 6 hours drive from Maputo and have no family here. Mother is freaked out. We prayed for them. Please keep these dear children in your prayers too.

Feltios sister, Raquel, had her baby yesterday late morning. She had a boy, its number six for her. She is exhausted after over 28 hours in labour, she also nearly had a c-section but he finally came and weighs 4.5kg. Baby and Mum are doing well, but ask for prayers as she copes with a new born. Im now hurriedly making another baby quilt as the other one is just too pink.

God bless every one of you. Thank you for all your love, support and prayers! We love you all!
Jesus, He is the REASON for the SEASON! bring it on as we celebrate our maker and King.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Transport Strike

Today has been a strange one. One could almost feel the tension in the air when we woke up.

The weather has been up and down. Wet season has hit hard and early and already there has been flooding.
The local governments have prepared for the worse.
Wet season is both blessing and curse. The rains bring much needed water to the farmers and herders, and the flowers come out in full bloom. The dry land comes alive with radiant colors and with large areas of brown land comes to life with green lushness. But with wet season, there is a dark side, a curse some say, all the flying insects and snakes and just yucky bugs in general. In particular the mosquitos seem everywhere and so many of them. The main hospital in Maputo have set up a temporary clinic just for blood testing for malaria and a ward for those who are very ill with malaria. Our church in Maputo have lost two people from the same family who both had complications from cebral malaria.

But just as hard and fast the wet season has hit, so has the anger and frustration towards the recession. The government continues to speak positive but all around us the evidence is proof that people are struggling and suffering.
More and more people are struggling to buy the basics. The lucky ones with the salaries that stay the same while all around them the prices of food, gas, clothing, education, medicine increases in not so friendly jumps.

There have been rumors going around and today was the day. The people have had enough and the strike was on. Today people refused to use charpas which are the local public transport due to the rising cost of the fare. Two years ago the strike for the same thing turned into nasty riots which last for four days with army coming in and taking charge. People were killed and injured.
So far, today, no body has been killed but a few have been injured. The police are out with their guns, trying to calm, but people are angry.

We ask that you keep us and Mozambique in your prayers. We needs Gods peace and wisdom.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Prayer Needed

Friends and family, we ask for prayer. One of our ladies in our church in Maputo two days ago slipped into coma due to cebral malaria. She is currently in ICU and breathing on her own.
Also two weeks ago her grandson died of complications due to malaria.
We know that Jesus can heal and we are asking for a total healing and restoration in Jesus Name!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Its Pemba Time

This past week, God opened the door for me to visit in Pemba.
I was extremely excited and nervous. I haven't been back to Pemba for several years. I was so worried about the changes and growth; would I enjoy my time? and would the kids remember me?
A very good friend of mine Antoinette was getting married which was the main reason, and another friend who was pregnant was due around the same time as the wedding.
I packed my bag and unpacked my bag and did it again. I didn't know how to pack, I didn't know what to expect. The Lord spoke to me and said change is a good thing. I lowered my head and whispered thank you.
The morning of the flight I rushed around and asked the Lord to take away my nerves and expectations. He did.
My heart was thumping on the trip up, I could feel the heat hit me as we walked off the plane. I had arrived! I looked around and not recognizing any one my heart sank, then I heard my name being called. Albino was there, we embraced and chatted like the years we had been apart didn't matter.
That happened the whole week. Seeing old friends and making new friends. The years in between didn't matter.
Going into the village next door to the Iris base and seeing the kids all grown up brought much joy and tears to my eyes.
Being able to go to the hospital pray for sick was such an honor. A lady who had a c-section as her sons head was stuck, she was in pain yet greeted me with a smile. Tears flowed she spoke of the pain that her body was in but also her heart as milk hadn't come-in yet. We prayed and God's presence came and filled the room and her milk came-in and she nursed her son. God can grow back arms, lungs and heal every disease, but he also cares for the women who had no milk and worked a miracle so she could feed him. What a privilege we have serving the Lord.

Antoinette's wedding was so full of joy and stunningly beautiful. The Lord just filled the place and our hearts and such a picture of us preparing ourselves for the Lords return.

My friend had her baby, which was awesome to be able to be there for the first few days of his precious life.

Over all the week went so fast. I have missed my family so very much. But it was such a special time with friends and quality time with the Lord. He reminded me of the beauty of a persons heart and how a smile can lift a persons moment. God wants to be involved in all aspects of our life, not just our prayer life. Gods beauty is everywhere, we simply need to open our eyes to see.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Conference Time

The conference in Chibuto was simply and purely amazing.
The weather caused a fuss and it was very unusual to have cold and wet at this time of the year. But the church was over full and those that came were touched, changed and encouraged.

On the Sunday after the service we went to water hole and baptized those that received Jesus into their hearts. It was so special BUT God was moving in the hearts of the young men who were down at water hole to wash their car. They stood and watched the baptisms and Felito called them and within ten minutes all seven of the young men had invited Jesus into their lives and were baptized! God is wonderful!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Conference Prep Time in Maputo

It was such a great week being with Felito in South Africa and catching up with friends and preparing for conference BUT the work has began doing the last minute things for our first ever conference in Chibuto. Every day we can feel the momentum build. We are praying and expecting big and mighty things.

Its great to spend some time with Paulina and family in Maputo and catch up on everything before conference.

We ask that you keep us in your prayers and for safe travels for us and the visiting teams and conference attendees.
Also need prayer for our pajero, its running but needs a mechanic to look at it.

Friday, August 31, 2012

We are home, sweet, dusty Africa!

After two flights and a lot of luggage, we are back in Africa.

Issachar was so excited to see his daddy again after weeks apart. Felito now has a little shadow following him where ever he goes.

Its great to be back in my adopted country. Its amazing to see my husband after weeks apart and family and familiar faces too. But my heart is always torn. When Im in Mozambique I miss my kiwi family and when Im in NZ I miss my moz family. But one thing I have learnt and holding so dear, that Christ's love for me is steady, constant and is forever. I hold onto that where ever I am. My heart may skip a few beats with troubles and worry etc but the Lords love remains and is my shelter.

Its straight into the deep end, now we are home. These next few weeks are going to be busy. We are holding our first conference in Chibuto and Palm Ridge and also hosting two visiting teams from USA with some tag alongs. One being a friend from NZ and another is my Dad.

Our team have been working hard to prepare for the conferences, by advertising, sending invitations, building basic accommodation and toilet blocks, clearing land, buying and ordering food, cleaning and fixing generators and sound systems, meeting with village chiefs to arrange outreaches and praying. Our prayer is that the people that come will receive a fresh touch of God in their lives and leave changed forever, that God would move powerfully and many will receive healing too. That Chibuto wont just be known as a place where God came but as a place where Gods presence resides. We want to see the nation of Mozambique healed, made whole and walking with God, a nation in revival impacting the world!

Please keep us in your prayers as travel and prepare and minister!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

More Conference Time

This week I have had the privilege to attend the Arise Church conference. The theme was appointed!
It was a fantastic and amazing and a huge blessing to go. It was my time to be there! The preachers were amazing, truly fresh bread for everyone to eat and chew on ever session. The worship was out of this world! It Just opened the door for God to come and minister, encourage and heal all those in attendance.
God spoke to me and reminded me how much he loves me and that he has called me and that he give me my second-wind. Feeling very excited and refreshed!
So ready to go back to Mozambique and let loose!
Am pumped, on a personal note, God has been speaking to me about REVIVAL. Just imagine what revival looks like! For me it means children receiving the Fathers love and the spirit of adoption and being adopted into forever families, large crops to feed everyone, clean water easily accessed, hospitals closing down, churches full, families praying together and many healings and salvations.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Kiwi Time

The month of August Issachar and I are in NZ.
Its great to be back for a visit to see family and friends and go to church.
Issachar is just loving preschool!

Send me a message, and we can catch up!

Refreshing Times

The month of July was an awesome month. It was a time of resting and refreshing. We were able to meet up with family and friends and also attend the Hillsong Conference in Sydney.

The conference was full on, with long days and late nights. But it was worth it. We had the privellage to be apart of over 25000 people that came together to worship our King and be blessed and streched by the word of God. The speakers spoke their heart out and Gods Spirit was poured out with not just our lives encouraged, transformed.

Issachar attended kidsong and had a blast. He learnt new songs, memory verses and made lots of friends.

It was awesome to be able to spend time with family during the month also.

God blessed our socks off!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our lives are in Gods Hands

It is with great sadness I share this update.
A very good friend and fellow missionary passed away last week.

It took a while for the news to sink in, as we were all in such shock.

Aguinaldo was a man who lived each day as it came. He served God with all of his heart. He was always able to sort the toughest situations with prayer and a good strong coffee. He was a friend, brother, leader, pastor and mentor and will be missed greatly. Enjoy being with your maker and true king friend.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fiji & Raising Sisters Conference

After many years of praying and thinking, I was able to return to Fiji.
It was such a great week, catching up with old friends and making new friends and also attending Raising Sisters Conference.

Issachar travelled well and adapted into the humidity so much quicker. Was quite funny as everyone thought he was mixed with Fijian.

Raising Sisters Conference was great. It was a busy time but was so encouraging and refreshing too. Such a joy to watch God move in the ladies hearts and lives.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Issachar's 3rd Birthday

My little baby is all grown up. Today we celebrated his third birthday. It was great to share his day with the WorldRace - Jenga Team. He had a great day being spoilt with lots of extra attention and presents and his favorite a spider-man balloon hat from one of the team members.
As a mummy I'm super proud of my little man and just love him to pieces and just love watching him grow and learn and discover new things, his sweet sharing heart and not shy personality is just perfect. Blessings upon my precious boy. May he continue to shine!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Children's Day (take one)

It's almost children's day. It's a day where Mozambique comes together to celebrate children. It's a great and special and fun day.
Have been collecting a few special surprises for Issachar and Paulina and I'm so excited and can't wait to give them tomorrow and to watch their faces light up in amazement and joy.

Exciting times and exhausting times

We are having a blast with the world race team.
Yesterday was their fun day and they decided to jump in with me and head to town. Getting fifteen people out of the house was no easy task.
First it was to stop off at local supermarket and ATM then head to the capaulana shop. Which caused quite a stir with such a large group choosing and buying. Then a yummy lunch and off to the ever exciting and great bargains at the craft market.
All vendors ran to meet us and wanting to give a good price were willing to barter (which is always an experience). The team got what they wanted and made new friends.
The boys have been visiting our young neighbor Ivan and his family and over the course of a week, Ivan and four of his friends have played basketball, received Jesus in their hearts and baptized. It really is such a joy to see people come to know their maker and king.
Felito left for the USA last week to minister.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's busy

Well, after a great six weeks in Brazil, it's quite a shock to the system with all the madness and busyness the last few weeks.
We have another World Race team. This does create more work but it's so much fun. Already they are learning the word flexibility. They have endured five nights in the bush which was supposed to be only one night. Though stretching hurts and is uncomfortable the outcome is always God ordained.
We have an outreach this week in intaka in Maputo and we ask that you keep us and the team in your prayers! we want God to be glorified!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Back in Africa! (Almost home)

Hello Family and Friends

We are back in AFRICA!! It feels so great to be back and almost into a normal routine.

We had a blast in Brazil visiting friends, making new friends, drinking coffee, learning about the discipleship programme and also ministering. Every church which hosted us, welcome us with open arms with a cup of coffee!!  It was such an honour to minister and meet some very on fire people. God really ministered in peoples hearts. We want to thank you all for your emails and prayers for while we were away. We ask for prayer as we cross the border into Mozambique early next week, as the church in Brazil give us secondhand clothes to be donated and sometimes this can be tricky at the border. We have all the documents but believing for a simple crossing.

Issachar is a star and travelled so well!! He loves being on a plane and chats to anyone who will chat to him! He is not afraid to ask questions or chat to the person standing inline or next to him or simply walking past.  I think he is like his Dad - a passion for people and a passion to see them walking with Jesus. It was great to see him grow spiritually and learn to pray boldly while we were in Brazil. He loves to pray for the sick and uses his simple Jesus name, no more owie, in Jesus name amen! Its so innocent and cute and brings a smile to me all the time. God answered every time he prayed and he is learning that God answers prayer too. So exciting seeing him encouraged!!

We are in Johannesburg this week, catching up on some much needed sleep and ministering in the church in Palm Ridge. Once we arrive back in Mozambique its all go. We have a team arriving in two weeks from the WorldRace which we are very excited about. They will be with us for a month. They will minister in the church in Khongolote and in Chibuto as well on outreaches once a week and our new church plant in Inhabane. While the team is with us, we will be starting the discipleship programme with a few people within the groups from the men, women, youth and children. We are very excited to start and to see their lives change and simply grow in their walk with Jesus.

Felitos laptop crashed in Brazil and we are trying to get that fixed while we are in Johannesburg, so we do apologize if our contact is not as often, but we are believing it will be fixed and working, as we wouldn't be able to survive without a laptop.

(please see my facebook page for photos)

Thanks for all your prayers and support! Without them we wouldn't be here!!

Love and Blessings
Anna, Felito and Issachar

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Photo Time

Below are some photos of our time in Brazil...for more please go to our facebook page
Issachar all buckled in for the long road-trip
A view on the roadtrip - it was truley beautiful
A quick stop at a market
This really took me by surprise...seeing mud huts in Brazil!
This is us on the beach in Salvador
Two youths with Issachar after their milatry school parade
Standing in one of the look-outs at an old fort in Salvador
Felito and Issachar with Marcelo. His family hosted us while we stayed in Natal

Brazilian Time

We have been in Salvador, Brazil now for three weeks. The time has gone so fast. In just under two weeks we will be heading home to Mozambique.

We have enjoyed our time here. Everyone has been so friendly and welcoming. Hospitality is a strong; if you ever come to Brazil we have a bunch of friends who would welcome you with open arms.

The purpose of this trip was to come and learn about the Discipleship programme and also to rest. Our timetable is basically after breakfast we had one of the senior leaders (who was our main host - Eduardo) teach us about the discipleship programme, have an amazing lunch, rest and then late afternoon the discipleship programme begins and finishes late and then snack and sleep (this happens about five nights a week). Each leaders house is occupied with all various groups etc and everyone is eager to learn, coming with bibles and notebooks and an open heart. Eduardo and his wife have been involved for over 20 years. We meet Eduardo and his wife in Mozambique and they are very passionate for God. Felito had been praying for a while about a discipleship programme but just didn't know which one etc. As we sat with Eduardo and his wife shared their testimony about the discipleship programme and other testimonies of others who are now involved. We were greatly encouraged and inspired. After emails and a few skype conversations we were packing for Brazil. It was such a miracle and all happened so fast. Felito got his visa approved in less than a week. We knew it was God!

Must admit I was really nervous, having never been to Brazil, I had some pretty werid presumptions about Brazil but within the first week they were all burned and made friends fast.

Issachar travels incredibly well!! I am amazed and so thankful. He is loving his time here and has made lots of friends. He is packing on the weight with the delicious food and his Portuguese has increased greatly! I know when we return, he will miss Brazil and his friends a lot.

We really have been blessed by our time here and has been such an awesome experience. We are excited about the discipleship programme. We ask that you keep us in your prayers as return in early May and want to start as soon as we can.

We went on a big road trip. When we first found out our first day was going to be 12 hours in a car! My mouth dropped. I packed grudgingly. But within an hour and on the city the limits, I was amazed. Brazil is stunning! It has little country towns and lots of old buildings, people riding in horse and cart and donkeys everywhere. The cows were massive and healthy. It was green and covered with flowers. I cried in some parts…Gods creation is simply stunning!! We drove through little towns and big cities. Some were rich and others were just like being in Mozambique with bamboo and mud houses. The houses we stopped in, some were simple and others were extravagant. But everyone we met LOVED the Lord!! During the road trip we stopped at various churches and house-churches and disciples to share our vision and heart for Chibuto. It was again so encouraging to be received and prayed over.

Unfortunately the road trip didn't finish the way we envisioned. After a few days Felito became ill and we had to stop. After a few tests and rough night, he had malaria. Thankfully he brought meds with him and in Natal a family opened their home to us for five days while Felito rested. This bought of malaria really knocked him and we thank every one for your prayers.

We are looking forward to our last two weeks in Brazil but almost ready to be back in Mozambique.

Thank you for your hearts and prayers and support!! Without you, we couldn't do the job!

Blessings and Love

The Utuie Family - Felito, Anna and Issachar

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A long weekend

This weekend Felito has been away on outreach. I stayed behind with the kids. It's always tiring with the kids, but I love them. Though this weekend has been great. I experimented with some new recipes. The kids always watch in awe and make comments, but I always know when they approve is when they ask for seconds!! We have been teaching Issachar about prayer for the last week. He know what it is and he loves praying! It's encouraging as a parent to hear your child pray. Its just comes straight from the heart!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Issachar the big boy

Over the last few weeks it has been harder and harder to put Issachar to bed. So in the end we gave up and slept in our bed and then moved him into his cot when we needed. It worked!!! Towards the end of this month, once our visitors left we moved Issachar into his own room. He did very well the first week! Though kept wanting a big bed. So after asking for advice, spending hours at second-hand shops we brought a bed for Issachar. He helped Daddy put it together, helped Mummy make his bed and promptly fell asleep. These last few days have been a breeze putting him to bed! He loves his new bed and proudly show everyone who comes to visit! I must admit even though I have enjoyed watching Issachar get exited about his new bed and even sleep in his new bed without falling, my heart is somewhat mixed. I am happy that he is happy but I am sad as this is just another reminder that my baby is growing up! There are some photos on Facebook of his BIG bed!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Internet Update

Hi guys We are having some Internet issues...hopefully soon it will be sorted short updates will be posted without photos until the problem can be fixed. For photos, please go to our Facebook.


We are laughing a new website!!! Please visit for latest updates and photos

Not your typical start to a new year

The month of January has been a month filled with highs and lows already. We welcome our second world racer team and Paulina was accepted into a new integrated secondary school which teach computers. A major low for us was that in early January I was rushed to hospital in intense pain and discovered I need emergency surgery for ectopic pregnancy. We were devastated to lose another little one, but grateful I survived. Gods presence was so close and brought much comfort and strength. Another low is that southern Mozambique has been hit hard with two large cyclones. It has cashed much damage with flooding and high winds. Roads have been closed, people have lost crops and farms due to flooding and many homes destroyed due to wind and heavy rain. The bridge between Maputo and Gaza province was washed away and the government is currently working to have a new one up. We lost half our roof to our house in Chibuto and have to return to Maputo. we had very limited cell reception but our workers and friends in Chibuto are all fine. We ask that you keep us in your prayers and a quick recovery for me!!

It's new year!

Hello and welcome to 2012! What a year it is going to be! We are so excited about and waiting in expectation to see what God is going to do. We believe that this year is a year with a difference!! A year of breakthrough and answers to prayer. We had an awesome Christmas and New Years. We hosted an all girl team from World Racers for most of December. It was a blast. They lived with us for the whole month and ministered with us in Khongolote and around Maputo. They prayer walked, went on outreach, ministered in the church and also helped with the church visits. Not to mention played with Issachar and dance with Paulina. Everyone was in tears when they left. We wish them every success and awesome seven as they travel to other nations being the hands and feet of Jesus.