Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Old and New

We have been back in wet and windy Wellington for almost two and half weeks.
Its truly great being back, though feeling torn and missing our Mozambiqican family and friends. 
Issachar is settling well into kiwi life and adjusting to a new routine! 
Please keep Issachar in your prayers. He has another chest infection. We are wanting God to do a miracle in his life...a quick recovery but no more chest infections too.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Issachar and I are blessed! This year we got a surprise visit back to our kiwi home!
We had a week long stop-over at my sisters house in Melbourne and had a blast!
The cousins played until they were exhausted and my sister and I got to catchup over many hot chocolates and got some much needed shopping done!
While there and even better treat (well timed mother) we got to share in the celebrations of my nieces Aliyah-Rose's fifth birthday!
Also Aliyah-Rose has flown back to windy Wellington with us for week and Issachar is just loving the extra company as he resettles back into the kiwi life for the next few months.