It has been a long time since you have heard from us, wereally apologize for it. We have our updates, but for some reason we have not been able to attach anything in emails and also our websites. Today, things are looking up. All we can say, it that the enemy is on attack mode and will not take a holiday while we are spreading the Gospel and truth in Africa and espeically here in Palm Ridge.
Please pray for the church land and the surrounding area, the crime is very high. You can be killed just for a pair of shoes or even a cell phone. They don't care. We know that when God advances the enemy doesnt like it one bit and tries his hardest. He really can’t handle to see people giving up their old way of living and come to Jesus and have their lives turned around for good. An example of this is that one of the ladies that come to our church was attacked, even with her baby on her back. Though nothing happened, she got a huge fright and is now very scared to go out in the dark. Another example is of the father (of two children that come to our church reguarly) who was killed in the fields.
We both want to thank you all who pray for us, just want to say thank you and to let you know that you are highly appreciated, it is your prayers that help us to stand and not be unshakable.
Just to share, Felito had been praying the whole week asking the Lord what he wants him to speak on this past Sunday, and didn’t know what he wanted to speak till on Sunday morning. God very quitely spoke to Felito and simply said that the "church is ready". At first we didnt know what God was talking about and then as Felito was at church he started to prayer and he felt very strongly an anointing for healing. He said he came like it used too when he did the outreaches in Pemba. If you could have seen the change in Felitos face - He knew, I knew, that God was present and so was the power of healing! We knew that people in our church & community today would be healed.
Felito & Eric have been teaching the basics of Christinaity since we first started on the 9th of June. But that Sunday was the day the Lord had declared to be a day of healing in the tent. Felito spoke on healing. I know that this turned some heads. People can easily accept God forgives them, God can set you free, but somehow when it comes to healing there is a challenge, but one that God can totally handle. Felito shared and stood with a confidence and explained what the Lord did for them on the cross. It was for their salvation, deliverance and HEALING. It was a simple message and then shared of one of the testimonies of the sharing the gospel in the villages in Pemba. (A man who believed God could heal his back pain, but God in his mercy and compassion also healed one of his legs that was shorter than the other, the man actually felt and saw his leg grow to match the other size. Glory to God!!!!)
That testimony must have blessed people and also set an atmosphere, because when we prayed for people, the Lord healed them. We have 5 people healed from back problems, 3 of which were serious and very painful. Another couple who haed stomach pain were also healed instantly. We also prayed for a women with a sore neck and God healed that too. God is simply just the best!! It was awesome just to watch and see what God would do, but it was just brilliant to watch their reactions when realized they had been healed. God is just so GOOOD. This just the beginning for Palm Ridge.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers and what the Lord has started will continue in this place and that it will spread!! We want to share it - we want to see many healed and living for Jesus.
Things to pray for
- Please pray for the presence of God to increase in the tent
- Pray that the Lord will give us strength to reach out more for the lost
- Please pray for the Brumbaugh’s family in San Francisco (USA) who are working on raising funds to buy us a portable office to use in the Church
- Please pray for our cars, still struggling in this area (we need funds to fix the car)
- Please pray for us that the Lord will provide everything we need financially & materially
- Please pray for our protection in this place where people are murdered and there is crime everyday.
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