Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Gratefulness - First Update for 2008

Hello prayer partners

What a week it has been. We spent last week in Maputo visiting Felito’s family, which was really great. It was very special, as this is possibly the last time I see them before I return to NZ expecting our little one.
It was so great to see his family, especially our nieces and nephews who have special place in my heart. (Pictured with me is one of nieces).

One of the youngest nephews is super excited, as this year he goes to school. Don’t think that there was a day he didn’t remind us that he was starting at the end of January and that he was excited he could learn to read and write.
The week went fast, though the weather was super hot. Eating fresh mangoes as they fell from his mother’s tree. They are having problems with electricity in Maputo (as is South Africa) and during the day we were experiencing compulsory power outages. So it meant no water or electricity, so it was back to cooking on the coal for lunch and dinner. His family are doing well, and are very excited about us expecting…. though this will be number 17 in the line of grandchildren….

While we were there, his father’s sister came to visit. She is such a hoot. (pictured on the left – she has the darker head scarf at the back of the photo sitting next to Felito’s Mum).
She is in her seventies and lives on her own, in a very rural area and has her heard of goats to keep her company. She has a great sense of humour. The day we were leaving, we decided to take her as far as our car would let us go on the unpaved roads and then she could catch the bus. We arrived at t-junction and decided the car wasn’t going to make it any further, just as we were chatting away, she starts screaming in Changane, Anita (that’s me) open the door, open the door. I had no idea what she was screaming about, then I looked out and realised it was the bus, and she was worried she was going to miss it… but she hasn’t really been in a car before and didn’t know how to open the door. Most of the buses don’t have doors and if they do, the leave them open, so they can fit more people in them.

Felito and I looked back over January and are just so grateful for what the Lord has done. First of all our tent, though its in much need of a repair, people are still coming in either rain or shine. We are thankful that our SA registered car is working which means we are able to help transport people to the services without any problems and get about easily. We are most grateful for the lovely Sutho couple that have decided to be part of the church. Matene can play the keyboard and his wife is a very gifted signer and we have welcomed them onto the team and to be part of the church. Another area is the youth. The bible study is going so well. They are just so hungry for God. It’s exciting to see what God is going to do in their lives. Please continue to pray for the youth as they go deeper into the things of God.
The last, but not least is that we have officially started a programme for the children. It’s just so wonderful. It was hard to get some of the mothers to understand why we needed to create something special just for the children. As they are used to coming to church and sitting with the adults. But after a couple of meetings (and some tears on my part) they have agreed that we need a children’s church. One of the mothers has agreed to lead it and I will help, due to the language barrier. But two weeks ago, two of the mothers taught the children three songs with actions (in Zulu) and they presented them when it was time for testimonies. It was so precious and cute. Please pray for the women as we help raise up this young generation of South Africans with a passion for Jesus. And that they can too be influencers for the Kingdom of God.

What a start to the month. Today was such an awesome service. Felito shared about unforgiveness and God moved so powerfully. The atmosphere was just so sweet and gentle, yet people were unashamed and cried out before God and He came. He came in such a gentle way, simply taking away the pain and the hurt as they released their burdens unto him. There were soft tears rolling down many checks as He moved so sweetly. It was such a beautiful thing. We are just thankful that God has given us people who are so hungry and thirsty for God.

We are excited about this month of February as on Saturday Felito had a meeting with the council and received permission to build the shack on the land. (Below is a photo of some of church in front of the tent in much need of repair)

Another thing we are just super excited about is that our registration for the Section 21 Company has come thru as well as the Not-for-Profit status. We are just so thankful to all the people that God put on our path to help us achieve these registrations. It really has been no easy task. We give God all the glory!!

• That we find God given prices for the materials required for the shack
• That all the materials for the shack arrive when needed and in good condition
• That God continue to move so powerfully in the lives of the people bringing healing and peace into their hearts
• That we have no problems with Felitos visa, when he comes to NZ to be at the birth of our baby
• Safety as I travel to NZ and while Felito and I are apart
• That the children will grow and enjoy learning about God
• That God increase the hunger in the lives of the youth and the those of the church


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