Sunday, September 28, 2008

Outreach Update

The Africa on Fire team want to thank everyone for their prayers and encouragement and their continued support. Without you we wouldn’t be here doing what we have been doing. Again we want to thank everyone at Lifeswitch church for your love and support and donating the necessary funds for the trailer, thank you so much for your heart and generosity. The trailer is such a super huge blessing and the outreach wouldn’t have happened without the trailer.

Our first outreach was a huge success. We want to magnify Gods goodness, without him nothing would have happened.

Over the course of a few days the team from Brazil and New Zealand arrived in South Africa. We had a few days together to prepare and pray. During that time, there was much stress as the padjero yet again needed to fixed, but after much frustration and tears on our part it was decided to rent a kombi 10-seater van (which actually seated 8 people). We loaded our bags, tents, blow-up mattresses, sound system, generator, petrol, gifts, food and water onto the new trailer, piled into the van and we were off, two days later than planned, but this is Africa.

It was a six-hour drive to Giyani, not the longest stretch of the outreach, but the trailer was full and heavy. This was a first outreach for most of team and the first time in Africa for all of the team from overseas, so everyone was excited and apprehensive. We arrived in Giyani way past sun down, the people had been waiting for us at the church for a very long time, even though it was late they greeted us with much enthusiasm, we raced through the worship and Pastor Marcelo from Brazil was introduced, people were hanging on the edge of their seats…they are hungry people, it wasn’t us they wanted, it was Jesus. As soon as Pastor Marcelo started to preach, God’s presence came. During the time of ministry God’s presence was ever so strong. He moved swiftly, yet powerfully. Many were healed. Children were healed from headaches, high fevers and women who had pains in their bodies were healed. One lady had been blind in one eye from an accident with a knife as a child and God opened her eye, we all rejoiced with her at what the Lord had done. People also received Jesus into their hearts. Another lady had been healed during the worship of a pain in her leg she had, had for many years and it had stopped her from dancing which greatly upset her. When she came to testify that the Lord had healed her, she danced her way up and danced the whole way through as she spoke, it was so beautiful. We were in Giyani for two days, the church was packed, and people were standing outside even by the windows to hear the word of God and just to receive a touch from God. Worship was amazing during our time there; God’s presence was very much felt during the whole time. We celebrated, we danced, we sang, we worshipped and God came. We left knowing that the lives of the people in Giyani were forever changed.

We drove through the Kruger National Park to get to Mozambique; we crossed the boarder into the Great Limpopo Park into the Mozambique side. We weren’t quite prepared for the road. Many had told us that the roads were paved, obviously their understanding of paving was very different to ours. It was a long and hot drive but after many hours we arrived in complete darkness in Mazivilla. This village has no electricity, so we quickly set up our tents with the light of the kombi, we woke early the next morning and spoke to those that came and visited. In the early afternoon we headed to a large field to set up the trailer and sound-system. We danced and danced during worship, it was a very happy time. People were really blessed and touched by God’s presence.

The next day we were off to Chibuto, still in the Gaza province. This is the village where Felito’s parents were born, so it was a wonderful reception meeting family. Everyone was so very welcoming. We arrived we before sun-down and setup our tents, then in the afternoon went to setup everything for the evening. Though the people in Chibuto didn’t have much, they gave everything they had. Everyone loved to dance and worship the Lord. The sweet presence of the Lord, was everywhere. Many people again were healed and set free. We had high fevers healed, pains in the body healed, even one child’s hearing improved.

The Brazilian pastors had brought a couple of large bags of toys, and sandals for children. It was such a joy to see the children receive their new sandals and their dolls and cars. It brought tears of the eyes to those who were handing out the presents, it truly is better to give than to receive.

It was then off to Zimpeto, one of the “suburbs” of Maputo. Zimpeto is where Felito’s father lives and has a church. We arrived and were placed in homes of the church members from Eduardo’s church (Felito’s brother) in Malhazine. We were all very tired and in much need of a good bath with clean water. Much to the excitement of the women, there was service just for them in the morning and then in the afternoon we set up in the soccer field for the evening outreach. Again both evenings God moved and His children were touched, healed and changed, what a blessing it was too see many receive Jesus into their hearts.
The Sunday service was incredible. God’s presence could be felt before we even started. As the choir started to sing, people began to cry, God was ministering to their hearts. During the time of ministry again many were healed, the youth had encounters with God to forever change them.

Then it was a long drive back to Johannesburg, South Africa to begin the two conferences, one at our church and another in the Tembisa Township. Even though we were tired, wanted clean water, light to see what we were eating at night, and no more rice (well at least for a couple of days), and glad that there was going to be no more bad latrine (long-drop) stories, our hearts were left feeling we could fly higher than any mountain and smiles that couldn’t be wiped from our faces. God poured out His love extravagantly and stretched His hand out in the most powerful of ways on outreach. What a joy it is to be called a child of God!! Thank you Jesus for your GOODNESS!!

We are currently in Mozambique and we are returning to Xai-Xai to discuss with the elders and council people about the process of obtaining the land. Please keep us in prayer during this time and that the process of paying for the land, submitting the plan and eventually completing the paperwork for the land that it will go well, swiftly and that God’s hand will be upon it.

God bless Felito, Anna & the Africa on Fire Team.

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