Saturday, November 28, 2009

November/December 2009

Dear Family and Friends

Wet season is truly upon us. Last week we had four days of rain non-stop. The roads were very bad and mud up to our knees, which made any trip into town or to the market very long and dangerous. Parts of the Maputo city were flooded, but thankfully no one was hurt or needed to be evacuated. So we were all cooped up at home simply having to wait it out. We were very thankful that the power didn’t go out during the four days and we were able to watch DVDs, listen to music and simply chat.
Admittedly the rains brought cooler weather which was a huge relief. The rains are needed greatly here for the crops to grow, to water and fed the animals, so they are welcome, just not what they bring out of the ground. With snakes, spiders and other large insects springing up from the ground and entering the house trying to find a dry patch, which brought me a few sleepless nights.
Needless to say we are very thankful to our guard Samora who doesn’t have a screamish bone in his body and who heads up the “destroy all snakes and spiders with sandals” department.

Even though the rains have brought things to a stand-still the church is going super well. We are continuing to grow with new people every Sunday. We are so thrilled as the church has brought land and it is officially in the church’s name and have started to build. This is an adventure for us and the congregation. The builders are working very hard. Everyone is impressed at how fast the foundations and walls have been done. Due to the extensive building in South Africa and some of the Southern African countries as the Soccer World Cup is next year the price of cement has just about doubled and sometimes tripled and we ask that you pray for the price to come down not only to aid in the construction of the church but also for our house.

We thank God for we know that He is working among the hearts of the Mozambiqicans. This is evident among the congregation but also among the builders. Solomon, who is a very hard worker received Jesus into his heart a few days ago and we are thrilled to welcome him into family of God. We ask that you keep him in prayer as he starts his new journey.

The rain not only brings much needed water for the crops and animals but it also brings sickness. Last week, Nando (a family friend) lost his two week old daughter to an unknown chest infection. They are very distraught about the loss of their daughter. Nando doesn’t know Jesus and has turned to alcohol to ease the pain. We ask that you keep him and his wife in prayer.

After several trips to Chibuto village we are relieved to have the process of the land finalized and to start Houses of Hope and the medical clinic. In January we are going again to met with the elders and village chief to discuss the plans of buildings and where to obtain the materials and who to hire to build. We are so grateful and thankful to God who has opened the door for us in Chibuto to be able to start and that the elders have welcome us with open arms. We are in the process of starting to fundraise to build the first house. (If you would like to help donate towards the building of the Houses of Hope or the medical clinic or supporting a house or child please contact Anna for more information).

Our first child to be in the Houses of Hope is Rafael. He is a young teenager who has suffered greatly. Over the last couple of years both his parents have died to due to AIDS and TB and has been past around family members. His family are extremely poor and he hasn’t been to school in a number of years to a due a lack of funds and also that he is needed to tend the family herd of goats. After speaking with his family they agreed that he could come with us, as they feel he needs to finish his education. Currently he is in Pesane with Felito’s aunty helping her with her herd of goats and eating three meals a day waiting for February to come for him to start school.

On a personal note. It is with great joy that Felito, and I and Issachar introduce you to the newest member of our family. Paulina. Its been a few years in the making but she is finally with us. We have a long process to go through to make it official and would love your prayers for the process and that it will go along smoothly and quickly.

On another happy note, we do not have any visa issues as Issachar’s residents visa arrived at the end of October which means our monthly trips across the border into South Africa to re-new his visa has stopped. Praise the Lord.

*That the process of adoption will go along smoothly and quickly
*That the price of cement will come down for us to continue the construction of the church and our house
*That the congregation will be supernaturally protected from malaria during this rainy season
*That Nando will come to know Jesus and that his family will be comforted during this time of grieving
*Fundraising for Houses of Hope

God bless and we send you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Utuie Family
Felito, Anna, Paulina and Issachar

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Almost Home

After 24 hours of travelling we made it to Johannesburg, South Africa. Our last stop before we are home in Maputo, Mozambique.

Issachar travelled very well, he slept most of the way and the take-offs and landing didn't affect him at all. So I'm a very proud Mum! Poor thing is a little jetlagged and confused with the time here, but given a couple more days he should be ok. He is settling in well with the heat and just loves being with cousians.

After a few days delay our freight arrived safely, a little worn and torn, but none the less everything is still in one peice! Our second miracle has happened, when were clearing our freight, we were supposed to pay duty tax and we went to pay and for some reason we were not charged! God is so very good!! Please pray that as we drive across the boarder into Mozambique that we will be able to take everything and the customs will be fair.

Please pray that as we travel from South Africa to Mozambique that we will be safe and have no hassles at the boarder crossing.

Thanks for all your prayers!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And They're Off

Can't believe how fast the time has gone. I've been in New Zealand for over eight months, enjoying my time with family and friends and of course the main reason giving birth to our first son, Issachar.

Want to thank everyone who has prayed for us, supported us and encouraged us over these last months in New Zealand as we prepare to head back to Africa and start our new life as a family and the new projects ahead.

Again, we want to thank everyone who has donated items etc for us to send back to Mozambique. We are so greatful and know that the people will be so happy. I have sent 93.5kg of luggage back by freight which includes all the donations. Please pray that it all arrives safely and together.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Its a boy!

Issachar Ross Felito Utuie
Born 1 June 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

A Place called Home

After months of saving and desiging and price hunting of equipment etc; our very own house is being built in Maputo to serve as a base as we prepare to go out and visit various villages in Mozambique and South Africa. Here are some photos of the house as its being built. We want to thank everyone for prayers and support as our house is being built. We would not have it if it wasn't for you!
Here are the bricks to start building the foundation and the walls of the house

The boys working on the foundation of the house

The house is almost there (minus the roof, windows & doors)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Another Addition to the Utuie Family

We are pregnant (again)!!!!!

Argh, so exciting!! Our second little bundle of joy will arrive in early June 2009...only 16 more weeks to go!