Saturday, December 7, 2013

Its a GIRL!

We are so excited to introduce to you our newest addition to the family.
Keziah! She is a week old and we are madly in love!
Thank you to everynone for all your prayers and support and encouragment during the pregnancy!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Life in NZ

Issachar has settled well back into life in Kiwiland. He loves kindy and goes off so happily. He is enjoying gym sessions and swimming lessons. We are both so glad the weather is finially warming up and enjoying the extra time outside in the garden and at the various parks locally.

Felito had been here for a week and adjusting well to his new time-zone.

Baby is due in 2 weeks! The countdown has begun and hospital bag is packed! We are so excited and cannot wait to hold this little one in arms! Feeling very blessed.

Politically tensions have been high in Mozambqiue. Amazingly the recent local council elections have passed without voilence. But tensions are highly strung between the two top parties. We ask that you keep Mozambique in your prayers!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Old and New

We have been back in wet and windy Wellington for almost two and half weeks.
Its truly great being back, though feeling torn and missing our Mozambiqican family and friends. 
Issachar is settling well into kiwi life and adjusting to a new routine! 
Please keep Issachar in your prayers. He has another chest infection. We are wanting God to do a miracle in his life...a quick recovery but no more chest infections too.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Issachar and I are blessed! This year we got a surprise visit back to our kiwi home!
We had a week long stop-over at my sisters house in Melbourne and had a blast!
The cousins played until they were exhausted and my sister and I got to catchup over many hot chocolates and got some much needed shopping done!
While there and even better treat (well timed mother) we got to share in the celebrations of my nieces Aliyah-Rose's fifth birthday!
Also Aliyah-Rose has flown back to windy Wellington with us for week and Issachar is just loving the extra company as he resettles back into the kiwi life for the next few months.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

OHIO Team is here!

We are so excited to host a team from Ohio again!
They were with us last year at our first annual conference and Felito's ordination!
This year they will be again serving and ministering at the conference in Chibuto and also village visits and outreach!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Today we went to visit Aunty Marta in Pessene. 

Its a long hours drive on the dusty and bumpy roads, but once we arrive, the hustle and bustle of city life is gone! No car horns or city noises, just the birds chirping, the goats munching on grass and kids laughing. 

The kids love to visit Aunty. They miss chasing the goats, but any excuse to kick off the sandals and climb a tree, any attempt to catch a bird or whatever. There are no toys, or parks or fancy computers to play with, but the kids are contempt. They run and jump and hang from branches, snack on the local fruit growing around and just generally have fun! 

Im drawn to the simplicity and I'm sure the kids are too.

Aunty is an old women who lives by herself in the bush! And has for many years. She survived the war of independence and civil war in Pessene. She has raised kids and lost them and a husband too. She was a goat herder until last year. She doesnt have much, but will gladly share what she has. She makes me laugh with her well intentioned advice but some randomly is right! Life is hard in Pessene, no running water or electricity or even baby wipes, the nearest clinic is too far if there really was an emergency, the better market is quiet a walk too. She charges her simple non-smartphone at the train station, which is hooked up to a car battery. But she is happy. Everyone in Pessene knows everyone and all are friendly and watch out for each other. 

Neighbors come and chat and the hours pass quickly. The food bubbles away on the outside wood fire and takes a while, but nobody really notices as we are all soaked up in catching up or climbing a tree and enjoying the freedom bush life brings!

Aunty with some of her grand-kids


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Turning Dreams into Reality!

What an amazing and fun afternoon I had! 

Felito and boys spent the sun-filled afternoon working on the outreach sound-system while my girlieness came out!

A young bride-to-be phoned in a panic late last night. She was to be married on Saturday (today is Wednesday) but she still didnt have a wedding dress and a friend told her to ring us. IM SO GLAD SHE DID!

One of my dreams is to see brides have their dream wedding dress on their special day

For the majority of people, weddings are super expensive and take many years to save towards, others just give up or dont even try. By lending the bride a dress brings a smile and huge relief to them and to me. Just another way we can show the love of Jesus and bless others!

Veronica is from Xai-Xai. So she travelled three hours down to Maputo by public bus to try on her special dress. She arrived very nervous but left a different girl! A huge smile on her stunning face not to mention a weight off those shoulders. They were close to cancelling the wedding, due to not having a dress. While we had an amazing afternoon of arh-ing and goo-ing and just letting the girlieness come out. Was such fun! We were able to talk and pray with Veronica. After an hour we had narrowed the choosing of the dress down to three. Then after a two more hours of chatting and laughing Veronica had chosen her dress. Then it was time to choose the veil, which led to the conversations on hair amd makeup etc. 

Before she was to return to Xai-Xai we were able to pray with her and feed her. Am truely excited for this bride and so looking forward to the photos.

Thanks again to those that have donated wedding dresses, veils, jellewry! 
Its such a joy seeing my dream become reality and seeing the love of Jesus being given in such a special way!

God bless and love.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Issachar turns four! - a big boy!

Im a big boy, he says with a smile as big as his face!!
I was told when Issachar was born how fast they grow! It was no mistake, they sure do!
On the 1 June was Issachar's fourth birthday and also a big holiday as its Children's Day! The calendar was in our favor and it fell on a Saturday.
We were able to invite some of the family around and celebrate all things kids. It was a long and busy day, but seeing Issachar and the other kids smile and enjoy their chicken meal and chocolate cake, the effort was worth it!!

As Issachar grows and develops, I am truly amazed! He is a gift from God, which Ive learnt not to take for granted, but his sweet and caring heart and all-go energetic all-boy has been demanding but so much fun! He is such a sweetie, loves animals and loves to share almost anything, sensitive to the Holy Spirit at such a young age really leaves my mouth open and listening to his heart-felt prayers both brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes! He loves anything with green jelly and marshmallows and we have a blast cooking and reading stories together! As you can tell, I am proud of my son and I love my so so much! bless you my boy!!

Winter is here

Please keep us in your prayers!
Winter has hit hard this year. With temperatures plummeting down to 10C and sometimes colder once the sun goes down. This is very cold for us!

Its hard for families to keep warm and they bring their fires and coal burners in the house to warm up. This time of year is dangerous due to many kids getting burnt from fire or hot water. Its even worse this year as the hospitals are shut. Majority of doctors and nurses are strike and have been for well over a month. The army has moved in to help with a&e, and waits have just about tripled with people waiting well over 12 hours just to be attended and medicine isnt being restocked. 

Also with the cooler weather the vulnerable are prone to colds, flu and bronchitis is particular strong this year. 

Issachar has already two cases of nasty bronchitis, please join us i prayers that this stops!! 

On a happy note the clearing of the edge of the land is almost done and we can begin to start building the fence in Chibuto!

Thanks again for all your prayers and support!
We love you!

Issachar with two of his much loved cousins and their new warm fleecy jackets!

Issachar with some of his cousins and their new warm winter fleecy jackets!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Easter! We were brought for love!

Walking around Maputo it was hard to imagine that Easter was coming. There weren't too many adds for chocolate, let alone easter eggs, marshmallows. As having grown up in NZ, I do miss the traditional chocolate marshmallows filled eggs and even the creme egg, so not seeing them really does my head in.

I know that chocolate isn't the real meaning of easter, don't even know how the egg and chocolate idea came about. But I do know that I am forever grateful for what Jesus did for me and for everyone else.

This year, we drove down to Johannesburg to hold a seminar at the PalmRidge church over the long weekend. They had a rough beginning to to year, when their sound-system was stolen and really needing some encouragement.

Winter is on its way to Africa, the nights seem longer the birds don't sing as loud in the mornings. Even though the sun is shining, the breeze is chilly! It can look deceptive when looking out of a window. With winter brings the dry, dusty season, usually no rain! Which means building, more outreaches and house visits and lots of cuppas with family and friends.

The border crossing into South Africa can be hectic and stressful and at other times you can pass with very little trouble, it just depends. This Easter the que was long, thankfully it wasn't raining nor was the sun beating down in full strength. We got our stamps and we were off. The trip is about six to eight hours. We are so grateful for our new mazda, as it makes the long trip comfortable!

The people came out on Friday morning, walking from all round the township. Wrapped in their warm winter clothes. The kids bounced, the youth waved and the women hugged! Felito ministered, Jesus came, there were tears as hearts were being mended, forgiveness flowed and the Holy Spirit worked in their lives.
Saturday was a day of worship and fellowship. Lots of dancing to warm the body from the chilly winds and kids playing with each other and as usual the hospitality of the church with warm food to fill the hungry.
Sunday was the day, the day our King arose! Today the atmosphere was filled with hope. Felito spoke again, reminding everyone of the truth and simplicity of Easter. Not to get caught up in the trails of life, but to be thankful and remember it was for love we were brought and for love we now have a new life! We are encouraging them to have a one on one relationship with Jesus and its so much fun hearing testimonies of those that are grasping the concept. 

Issachar with cousins in Johannesburg

Its Malaria Again

Asking for PRAYER. Some of our workers have come down with malaria. Malaria this time of year is unusual as its cooler weather and no rain.
Also two of them have been on quinine as the malaria is resistant to treatment. Quinine is rough going. 
As you all know December was a hard month for us with our whole family getting malaria and half of our visiting team and workers as well. So really need Gods supernatural protection.
Really need God to move and wipe out these malaria mosquitos and full healing and restoration for those with malaria.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Bittersweet Memories: Joanna Grace - born on earth but breathing in heaven

Today is filled with memories, that bring both a smile to my face and tears to my eyes and a whole in my heart which will never heal - Its bittersweet. Today five years ago, my first little angel was born sleeping!

Joanna Grace was a gift from heaven and just shy of 29 weeks when she went to dance with the angels.

I remember the day she was born like it happened yesterday and the day the doctor told me my little one wouldn't cry or laugh. I was devastated, just so so sad but not angry. Even though I was sick for most of the pregnancy, I enjoyed it, I adored it when she danced and moved around.

The doctor in Africa didn't realize I was so sick with toxemia and it eventually made my little Joanna Grace sick and she just wasn't strong enough to make it all the way back to NZ for better medical care. We did everything we could: researched, drank lots of water, rested, took medication and prayed our hearts out and for a reason beyond our understanding my heavenly Father decided Joanna Grace was to breath in heaven and not on earth.

The day she was born, was a strange one. Felito arrived a few nights before. We prayed, we cried and the cycle repeated until we slept. We picked out clothes for our little one, not knowing if it was a he or she, but in my heart I knew it was a girl. (I had had a dream when I was just over 20weeks along and in it I had a girl). Chose our names and waited for the sun to come up. During the night, I had asked God to be with me even more and ranted off a little list, that I thought would help us cope and he reminded me of the dream again, he said he would be with me, just like Mary of old and this peace engulfed us and never left. Everything I had prayed the previous night, God answered, it blessed me and sent comfort to my saddened and broken heart but it also spoke of the love and compassion our heavenly Father had for us and his nearness the whole time. Joanna Grace was born on earth, but breathed in heaven, it was a hard day, birthing a child, that wouldn't grow in your arms, but in your heart. To leave the maternity ward with empty arms, is not easy to describe other than heartbreaking, and don't wish that kind of pain upon my enemy. Every midwife came into the room and hugged us, it was so sweet, but the peace in the room was indescribable. I knew my Lord and King was with us that day, even today he is with me and holding my now little girl!

Five years on: It still hurts and stings, but I will boldly and proudly carry the whole in my heart! God filled us with His love and peace and sent his healing power only He can minister with.

Issachar knows that his eldest sister lives in heaven.

One thing that has greatly ministered to me, is now I can minister to other women who have had the same experience and I can share the love of Christ and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. Its been honor to hold and share with the women who have allowed me to that.

There are days that I cry and others I manage to get through. One thing that pulled me through was that my ever faithful saviours love for me and that He never left my side and my little one, my Joanna Grace is in heaven dancing with the angels, and one day soon, we will stand together as a whole family and sing as loud as we can Holy is the Lord God Almighty!!

The Poem I wrote for Joanna Grace which was read out at her funeral.

A Poem - Our LIttle One

♥ Joanna Grace Utuie ♥

Our little one, our beautiful one
Forever in our hearts
Forever Our little one, forever in our mind
Forever our little one
Forever our love for you

Daddy’s little girl,
A twinkle in your mother’s eye
And a smile in our hearts
A butterfly, you are so free
Forever our little one
Forever our love for you

Dancing with the angels
Safe in Daddy’s arms are you
Forever, forever our little one

Love always,
Daddy & Mummy

© Anna Utuie March 2007

Johannesburg: a lesson on prayer

Last weekend we had the chance to go down to Johannesburg in South Africa for a short break and buy much needed supplies for outreach and evangelism. Which includes more tents, camping gear, parts for the sound-system etc..

Even though it was a busy four days going from shop to shop pricing and buying the supplies needed it was a great time! We also got to squeeze a visit into the Johannesburg Zoo in for the kids!

We all had a blast at the zoo. It was pouring with rain the day we wanted to go, so in keeping with wanting to teach the kids and disciple them, we told them to pray. It was the sweetest thing to hear the kids pray so sweetly, honestly in the back of the car. When we arrived at the zoo the pouring rain was just spitting and by the time we had paid for our tickets, we could see blue sky! We walked around zoo for hours enjoying Gods creativeness of animals! It was awesome to see the kids smile and enjoy themselves. We said our prayers of thankfulness to our big God who stopped the rain and the kids were all fast asleep before we left the carpark on the way home.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Outreach in Chokwe at Flood Refugees Camp - Day One

As usual time is not our friend and loading the large sound-system always takes longer to load than planned.
After several stops and pushing cars and trucks out of the soft sand we were off!
With each dusty KM driven the excitement was building! We were ecstatic at this opportunity to minister and love on the people at one of the many camps for the flood victims.
It was only a few hours drive from Maputo to Chokwe, but once we passed from Maputo province into Gaza province the evidence of a bad flood was still around and much of the farm land was still covered in muddy stagnant water or just thick gooey mud! The smell and flies were strong.

We have heard many stories of the people at the camps, have lost homes, farm land, everything they own, some even have lost family and friends.

As we got closer, the camps came into view. it was really a sight, one which stay in our memory! Its one thing to hear on radio or see on news on TV but to see over 100,000 people in one camp alone, is a sight to behold. As we drove for a few KM with tents on either side, i couldn't help but wonder about Moses and what it was like to be a leader to the Israelites as they were leaving Egypt. Just the share amount of people, not including their belongings, its a lot. And messes with my brain, let alone the logistics of food, sanitation and then dealing with issues, like crime and sickness etc. I have a new found respect for Moses and what God called him and the fact that he accomplished it.

Outreach Time!

We are just so excited and have spent over a week preparing!
AOF was granted permission to do a three day outreach in the flood camps!
We have a team of about 12 people coming with us to help minister along side. We are taking the WHOLE sound system and also a huge trailer full of more donated goods.
Please keep us all in your prayers this weekend as we go out and bless and love on these dear people!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Chokwe Visit

Felito and the AOF team are visiting Chokwe and if the roads permit a village where one of our churches are. They are going loaded with gifts, mainly clothes which were brought from a donation from an awesome church in Ohio.
The team will be handing out the clothes, praying and encouraging those affected by the floods.
Please keep the team in prayer.

Below are some of the photos of the large bags of clothes to given to the people. We had a blast sorting through them and putting them in bags to be handed out.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


This year has been a very wet rainy season. With lots of storms. Heavy rain and a few cyclones.
Not only has Mozambique been affected but also some of the countries surrounding, like South Africa. The Limpopo River is over full and unfortunately South Africa government had to open the flood gates which sent thousands of liters of gushing water into Mozambique making the situation worse.

Many of the villages where our churches are have been affected and most of them very severely.
The Mozambique government is overwhelmed by the the amount of people needing help. Many have lost homes, farms, everything they own, children without schools or school books.

Our land in Chibuto is ok, very water logged but safe.

Due to the water starting to recede in areas, looting is starting. So whatever is left is being taken, from homes, shops, hospitals, hotels, supermarkets, clinics etc. so people are trying to return to their homes to protect at night from looters.

We as that you keep everyone affected in your prayers, safe from looting and safe from malaria and sickness and also the crocodiles.

Below are some photos of the flooding in Chokwe.