Monday, December 24, 2012

When we are weak, HE is strong!

When I heard about the news of that the end of world is near, I laughed, but little did I know, what the next few weeks would hold.

We received two WorldRace Teams. What an adventure that in itself that brings!! And that is where the story begins.

Once upon a time, in a very hot and humid and wet, rainy season, twelve young adventures stepped their tired feet off the cramped and clammy bus into the busy dusty street market. After a very long extended travel experience. Tanzania to Mozambique. There tickets boldly printing four days, but after rough and long border crossings and numerous police stops, they arrived hot and tired after seven long days. The next few days were spent resting and recharging their batteries in the picturesque and lush green city of Chibuto. The tiny city was busting, as during wet season the vegetation is plentiful and beautiful. The flats lands are covered in bright greens and pokka-dot with a splash of colour from the fruit trees, pineapple, mango, cashunut, papaya etc.
Both the teams were eager and their servants hearts were so gentle and kind. They ministered with grace and the LOVE of only a saviour can give. They endured heat, large spiders, days without water, no electricity, scorpion bite, killed a snake, over sized cockroaches, allergic reaction, bats, just plain iky and yucky bugs. Lower they went, their hearts towards their King and their hands towards the needy and broken.
Just before the celebration of Christmas, they packed up and headed south to Maputo. To the land of lights and running water.
Again these two teams pulled together and ministered with such love and grace on the outreaches and ministry visits but little did we know what was going to hit.
One by one, as if we were dominos, it hit. A fever, a sore and achy body and wanting to be all curled up in bed : m a l a r i a. First, was one of the team members from the worldrace, then I (anna) and then bang, the gate fell down and poor Issachar was rushed to the hospital with a cut to his head. The next day, Jiameto was ill, as was Felito and Paulina and the next day Candio took ill. But its the next day that will forever be in my memory. My little prince was sick. It was not what either of us wanted to hear. My heart sank and I felt guilty, as two weeks ago he had been sick as well and now he had malaria too. We explained to the kind and compassionate doctor and she shook her head in disbelief, with so many in one house with malaria.
We are not denying its not been hard, its been super rough. We have cried ourselves to sleep and spent many moments in prayer and others lacking in sleep while serving the sick.
BUT the adventure hasn't ended. We still have five more days with our teams and we are exhausted, excited and eggar to see out God move!

Tomorrow is CHRISTmas and we will not let the last week change the fact that our saviour is alive and loves us!
The enemy may have a plan for us, BUT my GOD is bigger and he is STRONGER and His LOVE is enough!! His plan is my future! He died so that we may have LIFE and have life ABUNDANTLY.

Merry Christmas!

We ask that you keep as very close in your prayers!