Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Issachar the big boy

Over the last few weeks it has been harder and harder to put Issachar to bed. So in the end we gave up and slept in our bed and then moved him into his cot when we needed. It worked!!! Towards the end of this month, once our visitors left we moved Issachar into his own room. He did very well the first week! Though kept wanting a big bed. So after asking for advice, spending hours at second-hand shops we brought a bed for Issachar. He helped Daddy put it together, helped Mummy make his bed and promptly fell asleep. These last few days have been a breeze putting him to bed! He loves his new bed and proudly show everyone who comes to visit! I must admit even though I have enjoyed watching Issachar get exited about his new bed and even sleep in his new bed without falling, my heart is somewhat mixed. I am happy that he is happy but I am sad as this is just another reminder that my baby is growing up! There are some photos on Facebook of his BIG bed!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Internet Update

Hi guys We are having some Internet issues...hopefully soon it will be sorted short updates will be posted without photos until the problem can be fixed. For photos, please go to our Facebook.


We are laughing a new website!!! Please visit for latest updates and photos

Not your typical start to a new year

The month of January has been a month filled with highs and lows already. We welcome our second world racer team and Paulina was accepted into a new integrated secondary school which teach computers. A major low for us was that in early January I was rushed to hospital in intense pain and discovered I need emergency surgery for ectopic pregnancy. We were devastated to lose another little one, but grateful I survived. Gods presence was so close and brought much comfort and strength. Another low is that southern Mozambique has been hit hard with two large cyclones. It has cashed much damage with flooding and high winds. Roads have been closed, people have lost crops and farms due to flooding and many homes destroyed due to wind and heavy rain. The bridge between Maputo and Gaza province was washed away and the government is currently working to have a new one up. We lost half our roof to our house in Chibuto and have to return to Maputo. we had very limited cell reception but our workers and friends in Chibuto are all fine. We ask that you keep us in your prayers and a quick recovery for me!!

It's new year!

Hello and welcome to 2012! What a year it is going to be! We are so excited about and waiting in expectation to see what God is going to do. We believe that this year is a year with a difference!! A year of breakthrough and answers to prayer. We had an awesome Christmas and New Years. We hosted an all girl team from World Racers for most of December. It was a blast. They lived with us for the whole month and ministered with us in Khongolote and around Maputo. They prayer walked, went on outreach, ministered in the church and also helped with the church visits. Not to mention played with Issachar and dance with Paulina. Everyone was in tears when they left. We wish them every success and awesome seven as they travel to other nations being the hands and feet of Jesus.