Thursday, August 27, 2009

Almost Home

After 24 hours of travelling we made it to Johannesburg, South Africa. Our last stop before we are home in Maputo, Mozambique.

Issachar travelled very well, he slept most of the way and the take-offs and landing didn't affect him at all. So I'm a very proud Mum! Poor thing is a little jetlagged and confused with the time here, but given a couple more days he should be ok. He is settling in well with the heat and just loves being with cousians.

After a few days delay our freight arrived safely, a little worn and torn, but none the less everything is still in one peice! Our second miracle has happened, when were clearing our freight, we were supposed to pay duty tax and we went to pay and for some reason we were not charged! God is so very good!! Please pray that as we drive across the boarder into Mozambique that we will be able to take everything and the customs will be fair.

Please pray that as we travel from South Africa to Mozambique that we will be safe and have no hassles at the boarder crossing.

Thanks for all your prayers!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And They're Off

Can't believe how fast the time has gone. I've been in New Zealand for over eight months, enjoying my time with family and friends and of course the main reason giving birth to our first son, Issachar.

Want to thank everyone who has prayed for us, supported us and encouraged us over these last months in New Zealand as we prepare to head back to Africa and start our new life as a family and the new projects ahead.

Again, we want to thank everyone who has donated items etc for us to send back to Mozambique. We are so greatful and know that the people will be so happy. I have sent 93.5kg of luggage back by freight which includes all the donations. Please pray that it all arrives safely and together.