Thursday, April 19, 2012
Photo Time
Brazilian Time
We have been in Salvador, Brazil now for three weeks. The time has gone so fast. In just under two weeks we will be heading home to Mozambique.
We have enjoyed our time here. Everyone has been so friendly and welcoming. Hospitality is a strong; if you ever come to Brazil we have a bunch of friends who would welcome you with open arms.
The purpose of this trip was to come and learn about the Discipleship programme and also to rest. Our timetable is basically after breakfast we had one of the senior leaders (who was our main host - Eduardo) teach us about the discipleship programme, have an amazing lunch, rest and then late afternoon the discipleship programme begins and finishes late and then snack and sleep (this happens about five nights a week). Each leaders house is occupied with all various groups etc and everyone is eager to learn, coming with bibles and notebooks and an open heart. Eduardo and his wife have been involved for over 20 years. We meet Eduardo and his wife in Mozambique and they are very passionate for God. Felito had been praying for a while about a discipleship programme but just didn't know which one etc. As we sat with Eduardo and his wife shared their testimony about the discipleship programme and other testimonies of others who are now involved. We were greatly encouraged and inspired. After emails and a few skype conversations we were packing for Brazil. It was such a miracle and all happened so fast. Felito got his visa approved in less than a week. We knew it was God!
Must admit I was really nervous, having never been to Brazil, I had some pretty werid presumptions about Brazil but within the first week they were all burned and made friends fast.
Issachar travels incredibly well!! I am amazed and so thankful. He is loving his time here and has made lots of friends. He is packing on the weight with the delicious food and his Portuguese has increased greatly! I know when we return, he will miss Brazil and his friends a lot.
We really have been blessed by our time here and has been such an awesome experience. We are excited about the discipleship programme. We ask that you keep us in your prayers as return in early May and want to start as soon as we can.
We went on a big road trip. When we first found out our first day was going to be 12 hours in a car! My mouth dropped. I packed grudgingly. But within an hour and on the city the limits, I was amazed. Brazil is stunning! It has little country towns and lots of old buildings, people riding in horse and cart and donkeys everywhere. The cows were massive and healthy. It was green and covered with flowers. I cried in some parts…Gods creation is simply stunning!! We drove through little towns and big cities. Some were rich and others were just like being in Mozambique with bamboo and mud houses. The houses we stopped in, some were simple and others were extravagant. But everyone we met LOVED the Lord!! During the road trip we stopped at various churches and house-churches and disciples to share our vision and heart for Chibuto. It was again so encouraging to be received and prayed over.
Unfortunately the road trip didn't finish the way we envisioned. After a few days Felito became ill and we had to stop. After a few tests and rough night, he had malaria. Thankfully he brought meds with him and in Natal a family opened their home to us for five days while Felito rested. This bought of malaria really knocked him and we thank every one for your prayers.
We are looking forward to our last two weeks in Brazil but almost ready to be back in Mozambique.
Thank you for your hearts and prayers and support!! Without you, we couldn't do the job!
Blessings and Love
The Utuie Family - Felito, Anna and Issachar